
Post Ad
Listing Id: 17159 Last Refreshed: 01/11/2021 Total Views: 14031

Guaranteed $20k Nett Profits Monthly. Best Deal You Can Find! Only 6 Slots Left!

Central AreaChinese Restaurants
Asking Price: S$25,000
Business For Takeover
Look For Investor
Look For Partner


  • Premise Type N/A
  • Premise Size N/A
  • Monthly Rental S$15,500
  • Rental Desposit N/A
  • Revenue S$100K - 200K
  • Liability N/A
  • Gross Profit S$50K - 100K
  • Net Profit S$20K - 50K
  • Stock N/A
  • FFE N/A
  • Payable N/A
  • Receivable N/A
  • Owner Role Full Time
  • Staff N/A
  • Established N/A
  • Source Broker

Reason For Sale

For all to be able to buy/invest into good businesses


Strictly No Agents / Brokers

The Best Deal You Ever/Currently Will Find! Guaranteed $20k Nett Profits. Only 6 Slots Left!

We are starting very soon. Sincere Buyers/Investors hurry down to see the business fast so that you can valuate it after getting all the information!

Almost every listings and advertisements claim to be wonderful, awesome business, good opportunity, very profitable, good buy, etc.…

Majority of B&I are first timer investing or purchasing a business. We have meet hundreds of B&I. Most are getting more skeptical nowadays. Not only their perception is wrong. (Unrealistic – such as looking for the perfect business when there is nothing perfect in the world, and many with only $XX of budget.) Some are very genuine but there are so many businesses to choose from where only less than 5% are very good deals which is hard to identify or spot.

2 of the upmost concern of any Buyer or Investor(B&I) would be;

1. How am I making the right buy or investment?
2. How can a low capital invest or buy a good business?

Many currently B&I is not having a budget of more than $500,000 to invest or buy a good business. But good business with good profits cost more than $0.5 Million.


This is only suitable for B&I who is not particular with the type of trade and main objective is Return of Investment. (Because we have encounter so many B&I having too many preferences, criteria, perspective, such as retail is dying due to e-commerce, F&B is tough, not interested in certain cuisine, or business, etc. ”We doubt they are ever going to purchase a good business.” ) Don’t get us wrong as you should not have preferences, perspective or criteria. You can and you should but be reasonable or realistic. Having the correct perspective is important. Knowing what the market offering is. If you have higher budget than naturally you MAY have a wider range. BUT IT IS NOT CHERRY PICKING FOR LOW OR HIGH BUDGET B&I. 90% OF B&I DOES NOT KNOW THIS! ITS NEVER AND ISN’T CHRISTMAS ALL SEASON!

If you have certain preferences, objectives, criteria, you can always let us, or your broker knows. And we will try find other businesses that might suit you if possible.



So today we are going to let you invest into a good business and give you the option to have 6 months of experiences before locking in your commitment.

Professional Lawyers and Accounting Firm will be engaged to carry out due diligence and proper procedures with what is mentioned in here.

2. Only Low Amount of Capital is accepted from $25k to $50k in 1 business investment. Even if you have a higher budget to invest such as $200k or more, you are not able to do so as we would like more people to know and enjoy such AWESOME opportunity. (Meaning if you have more budget, there is a limit to any 1 business buy-in. Your remaining budget can be invested into next or other business available.)

The limitation of extra investment from an individual is quite unheard of. We are confident that the subscription/interest will be overwhelming due to time and awareness. Hence do not miss the chance to even find out more.

Why is this the Best Deal/Opportunity you can ever or currently find?
· Just try seeing if there is any such offer out there. Ask if you can invest mere $25k and have a guaranteed of returns (any 3-6 consecutive months that you select) if not fulfill you can have full refund.
· You can see the buzzing business that you are investing in. (Not business ideas/projections that you can’t physically see.)
· Management Provided - You do not need to manage the business yourself where mostly B&I are not experience or knownledgeable enough or does not have time.
· Profits are distributed every quarterly.
· Monthly business update meetings where you can choose to attend or not.
· Make profit from Day 1.

If there is such opportunity available, let us know we want to invest as well and we will pay you comms or money as well!

Sound to good to be true?
As mentioned, everything will be carried out very professionally and meticulously. When lawyer & accountant is being engaged to ensure proper procedures and legality. And if you still are skeptical after everything is shown to you, then investing / buying of businesses is something you should not consider.

Limited slots remaining. Do not hesitate to contact us fast.

We are starting on 1/12/19. Sincere Buyers/Investors hurry down to see the business fast so that you can valuate it after getting all the information!

Foreigners WhatsApp us only at +65 93559531 and give us an contactable number.

Upon contacting ACI, these questions will be asked. Kindly share with us your objective that will make you invest in a business.
1. What are you looking for in the market? (Ex: buying a business / passive income opportunity / franchise / etc)
2. What is a reasonable ROI per annum if you invest $50k? (not high/low but reasonable return. Ex: 5% to 100%pa)
3. How many businesses have you seen physically? (Ex: 0-10)
4. What is your investment budget? (Ex: $0 - $1M)
5. What is your checklist/requirement for investing or buying a business?

*Kindly take note, this advertisement is created by ACI. Many other likely to copy and follow our method in the future. NDA acknowledgement is required for confidential information to be share. Parties who has no intent to purchase/invest should make known to us prior of any information being shared. Identities of Agents / Broker to be also make known to us prior of any information being shared. ACI takes serious view in such matters and will not hesitate to take legal actions of such attempts.

Strictly No Agents / Brokers
Apologies to agents / brokers we do pay good commission as well, but agents / brokers need to identify them prior to any information being shared and certain information maybe kept confidential.

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